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Hyperuricosuria in the Schapendoes breed

January 2017 one of my puppy buyers reported that her dog had been diagnosed with urate sediment in the dogs urine. At that point I honestly answered that I had never before heard of urate problems in our breed. Working in the animal feed field, I am familiar with different types of urine stones and with how to avoid certain problems through feed and diet. Talking about urine stones, its crucial to separate between different types of stones!

Only a few weeks later, I came across a discussion on social media about the same problem with other schapendoeses -- and there seemed to be quite a few of them! I therefore dediced to look into this matter in more detail. Neither of the parents of my litter had ever had any problems, but out of curiosity I decided to gene test the whole litter of eight puppies. Three healthy non-carriers, and five healthy carriers. Not quite the result I was expecting!

Hyperuricosuria (HUU) is considered to be a disorder that was transmitted from wolves to dogs long before the evolution of different breeds. This means that all breeds can be affected; some to a greater extent, others less so. Dalmatians are well-known case in point. In the past 100% of them were so-called HUA dogs (High Urine Acid), meaning they were all at risk of the build-up of urate stones. Other breeds suffering from the same disorder include the English Bulldog and Miniature Schnautzers.

Hyperuricosuria means that a dog has a high uric acid level. It can predispose affected dogs to the formation of uric acid crystals throughout the upper and lower urinary tracts. Hyperuricosuria is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, which mean that the affected allele is inherited from both parents and a dog can be normal, carrier or affected. It is a painful condition and if left untreated is life-threatening.

Later on in our tests we found that the puppy with urate sediment appeared to be at risk for HUU, as were three other dogs in that litter. Both parents of the litter of eight were tested too: it turned out that the father was a healthy carrier and the mother a healthy non-carrier.

The good news about HUU is that the affected dog is only predisposed to clinical problems, and urate stones can be prevented with the correct diet (low level of purine in the feed). There
s also the good news that there is a simple test for HUU. There are a few laboratories that do the test: I myself have used the MyDogDNA panel test ( The test is provided by Genoscoper and both gPRA and HUU in that test are validated for the Schapendoes breed.

To my knowledge 144 schapendoeses have to date been tested with MyDogDNA and 22 through other laboratories. Out of these 166 tested schapendoeses, 9 are at risk for HUU (5.42%) and 70 are carriers (42.2%).


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